Damsel Peak and Little Red Rock - Ron Kirk's Search and Rescue

January 27th 2012

After Kraft Mtn. S&R, I was kept thinking of outside of our search zone.
We had already searched almost all of canyons and mountain peaks around the Calico Basin that includes Calico hills, New Peak, Kraft Mtn., Gray Cap, Turtlehead Peak, Gateway Canyon, Ash Canyon, Brownstone wash etc...
Unfortunately, nobody found anything that belongs to Ron Kirk so far. Now, we really need to keep eye on farther area and deep slot in the sandstone mtns.
There are 2 high mountains we didn't searched yet...Damsel Peak and La Madre Mtn.
It is too far from Calico Basin, but its still possible since he was a trail runner.
So, I have decided to check Damsel Peak summit register book. Also, I wanted to search farther area. Thus, I hiked down to the North side then hike across the Little Red Rock area. And it ends at Summerlin residential area.
Thanks Mikhal for giving us a ride all the way up to the Brownstone Wash. It saved us lots of time and energy.
We made it to the peak in 1 hour 15 minutes from Brownstone basin. Unfortunately, there were no sign of Ron Kirk at anywhere.

Entire 3D trail map

Ascent Route

Descent Route

Little Red Rock Area

Elevation Chart

Google Map

Google Earth

Hike Status :
 Trailhead : Brownstone Basin
 Distance : 8.5 mile
 Elevation Peak: 6,977 ft (Damsel Peak)
 Total Elevation Gain  : 2,200 ft (4,000 ft lose)
 Class : 2-3
 Time : 5 hours

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