Sushi Cooking Party

Jan 18
Sun 2:00 PM

8254 Penera Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Who attended?
Estimated attendance:  11  people attended.

Around $15.00 per person

Let's cook the Sushi !!
We'll cook the sushi at the David Gurtner's house. I will teach those technichs to prepare veggies, fishies etc... Everyone make at least 2 sushi rolls and we'll share it.

Since this is not an easy knife technichs, I don't recommend this for begginer cookers.
Its someone's kitchen and I don't want to make a mess with lots of blood.
Please send me an email if you are not sure you can make it or not.

Please Bring....

Your own Drink (beer, wine)
Knife (any kind)
Cutting Board (bigger is better)
Sushi Mat (if you got)
Kitchen Towel (to wipe your hand, knife or cutting board)
Apron (You don't want to mess your dress)
Note & Pen (if you want to record it)
Food container (if you want take some left over)
First Aid kit (if you are NOT a good cook)

Let's meet at David Gurtner's house at 2:00PM.
How to get Trailhead:
From I-215...Exit 215 onto Windmill Ln. westbound, turn left on Vista Palmas (at Taco Bell), turn right on next street (Old Palms) and immediatley left onto Penera. 4th house on left.
From I-15 exit BlueDiamond/Windmill eastbound, just past Bermuda turn right on Vista Palmas at Taco Bell, then next right onto Old Plams and immediatel left onto Penera. 4th house on left.

Hike: Sushi cooking Party - Closed kitchen
Trailhead: David Gurtner's Parking
Distance: 20 yard
Hike Pace: very slow (0.1 - 0.2 mph)
Total Elevation gain: 0 feet
Elevation peak: 2,175 feet (Dining table)
Time: 3 to 4 hours
Difficulty: 3 - 4 (Intermediate - Challanging)

No Dogs and No Guests Please!

Pictures at the Party

Any question? Call me or eamil me.


Photos of this Meetup

Talk about this Meetup

  • Shin
    Posted Jan 11, 2009 11:52 AM
    Assistant Organizer
    This is NOT an Official meetup event, and you CAN'T see this on the calender !! If you have any question. please call me (702)416-8658 or send me an email

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